07 January 2010


Hello friends....... phulkari is an Punjabi embroidery....
it is basically a full single length bedsheet can be a shawl too,
which has many purpose to be use by the Punjabis...
below I have posted the photos of my grand mothers phulkari
 it is nearly more then 100 years old.....this was used by my mother
and later by my sister on her wedding and now its with me.....actually
during the wedding the bride is fully covered by this phulkari...........
funny thing was that the bride can't even see where she has to walk
during the wedding ceremony.......as everyone and everything has
become modern, so has the culture.........
Nowdays the phulkari is not used by the bride.....
but is often used in some ceremony during the wedding like when the girl
or the boy is been applied oil and all before the bath on the wedding......
the ladies have to hold the coners of phukari like an umbrella over him/her
and along with the singing all the relatives apply oil, haldi,curd to the bride
or bridegroom......its reallly nice fun........
You all must visit a punjabi wedding and i bet you will never forget the experience.
 If you need to find more about the Phulkari heres the link and another link is here.